Part 3: Pulses from the heart, a trilogy for Christmas

By:  LPJ

It’s Christmas again! Christmas always comes fresh, always like a new dawn, always like the new day that we look forward to, always the joy.

The songs over my TV music channel jubilantly celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. Like Bing Crosby’s song says, it’s Christmas again and the bells are ringing —   they’re ringing because of the carol we sing in our hearts.

It is our hearts that God sees and listens to.  It is our hearts that Jesus came for — to claim back our hearts for God’s eternal love and joy. 

This Christmas eve, as I sit in my living room, staring in awe at the brilliance and beauty of my Christmas tree, the luxury of beaded lights and the ostentatious array of shiny ornaments, I think about the baby Jesus born in a humble stable with the horses’ trough covered with hay for His bed.  The king of kings born as a human in a lowly setting.

Oh wondrous night. Oh holy night!

Then I stare back at my tree. I catch sparkles from the tree lights.  Magnificent illusion created by the slight movements of my head.  Then I think of that night in Bethlehem, when the stars shimmered brightly and one big star guided the shepherds and the Magi to where baby Jesus lay. A cold crisp piercing the balmy night, but a sacred hush permeating the air – the son of God has been born.

Oh joy to the world!

 Merry, merry Christmas one and all! Let’s celebrate with hearts devoted to the Almighty, the King of Kings.

Linda P. Jacob

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